3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Text: 1Peter 1:13-16

In the days of ignorance, our lives were shaped by certain desires of the world. However, now that we are Christians, our lives must conform to a different pattern that is guided by the Holy Spirit. We do not have the luxury to live any how we like. We must now live consciously a life of holiness.

In living the life of holiness, the standard for assessing our lives is the life of Christ. A life of holiness must conform to the life of Christ alone, and no other. Hence, the Bible admonishes that we set our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. There is no other model for the life of holiness other than Christ. He is the incarnate of the Father; the one in whom the Father is well pleased.

Holiness is the nature of God. This nature is conferred on the sons of God. Sonship is given not earned (Jhn 1:12). Hence, this status is a function of God’s mercy. Having been made sons by His mercy, we must, therefore, offer ourselves as a living sacrifice; one that is worthy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1-3). It is our life of holiness that makes our sacrifice acceptable unto God. The reward for this is that we are made privy to the will of God. We can never understand the will of God until our mindset is completely changed.

Prayer; a necessity for a life of holiness.
To live out the life of holiness that God expects of us, we must be a people who spend time with God in prayer. It was on this account that Jesus admonished us to pray always (Luke 18:1). It is in the place of prayer where men commune with God that the garment of holiness is bestowed on men.


Any family without a personal alter can never live a life of holiness. It gives us the privilege of enjoying God’s abundant grace which enables us to enjoy the kind of peace that the world cannot give. It is only by God’s grace that a man can live in peace with everyone.