2 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


Text: Hebrews 12:2

The kind of situation we ‘re in Nigeria today don’t need to emphasized any longer as it is visible to everyone that there is a great problem. Are we to talk about the leadership of the country, a responsibility that seems to be direction less. What of terrorism, kidnapping, senseless killings? In the midst of these challenges and difficulties, what do we do? There ‘re many issues at hand in Nigeria today, how do we confront these challenges? How do we react and respond to this challenges?

The answer is found in Hebrews 12:2 – “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, he did not give up because of the cross”.

Looking onto Jesus can be understood in 3 perspectives;

Depending on Jesus entirely, depending in him for our sustenance, following in his ways, his approach and pattern.

Seven (7) steps on looking onto Jesus

1. Put aside everything that weighs us down. it can be problem, addiction, habits. All these amounts to weights we must lay aside. As Peter was walking on the water with his eyes fixed on Jesus, when the storm roared, Peter remembered he was walking on the water, he entertained fear.

2. Put away sin.Righteousness exaults a nation but sin is a reproach, disgrace to any people. The news we hear on daily basis is not healthy at all, but does it affect the character of God in you? Because there was no iniquity found in Jesus, he was able to greatly accomplish his mission. If you are sinless, the devil will have no grip on you.

3. Commune with Christ. A noisy generation of Christians only do talking, talking and talking without a time of hearing from God. It’s in the place of quiet time that Jesus speaks to us.

4. Fix your eyes on the heavenly goal. One of the reasons Christ was able to pass his ministry was because he was looking at the goal. Set your mind on things above which are noble and valuable.

5. Endure the cross. There ‘re certain challenges that will befall us on account of Jesus, to truncate the faith and message of Christ. Some of this comes to test our faith, when they come, there may be alternatives to evade them which might be against the will of God, but your ability to withstand those things even in such outright provocation defines your Christianity.

6. Disregard the shame. Jesus bore the shame on him despite being God and coming down from Heaven. If you don’t have the ability to disregard the shame that comes with serving God in the face of the people, the shame that comes with the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus, you can’t get it.

7. Work by faith. When the country is bad, work by faith; that there is terrorism in the country; work by faith.

What we gain when looking onto Jesus

1. We will receive the strength to go on.

2. We have all round peace. The one that supersedes all understanding.

3. We will have the joy of the Lord (1Peter 1:8-9).

4. We will eventually be victorious (John 3:16).

5. We will live with unstained hands transformed to Holiness.

6. We will have the reward of Heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:7 – We work by faith and not by sight. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding, Jesus has promised that he will not leave us orphans. Have faith!