6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

The Scripture says that the eyes of the Lord runs to and fro searching for a man He will use to accomplish His mission on earth (2Chron.16:9). What is His mission? His mission is to draw all souls to Himself. That dream cannot be realistic without dedicated and determined soldier of Jesus Christ.

That man the Bible is talking about is described as a worthy instrument or a vessel of honour or a noble vessel. A worthy instrument is a man whom God uses to execute diverse functions in accordance with His set principles and standard. God, therefore, is looking for a man that will stand in the gap.

The word of God says:

“But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour” (2Tim 2:20).

I put this question to you: Who are you in the eyes of the Lord? Are you a vessel of honour or dishonor? Are you helping God to gather or scatter? Whose image are you portraying as a child of God? Are you still living a chameleon-like lifestyle?

Brethren, it is high time we stopped deceiving ourselves as the Bible makes it abundantly clear that whatever a man sows that he will reap (Gal.6:7). My dear loved ones, God assigns special task to us when He finds us trustworthy, absolutely equipped for service, in a good condition.

My beloved, for you and I to be useful instruments in the hands of the Master, we need to desist from habitual sins, pride and arrogance, greed and dishonesty, unforgiveness and malice, etc. Therefore, be reminded that we are called to be ambassadors for Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:20).

READ MORE ARTICLES  Brothers, What Shall We Do?

Prayer Points / Reflection: I am called to be a vessel of honour.

 1. Ask God for the grace to be a deserving instrument of His Kingdom.

2. Let us implore the Master to groom us spiritually.

(Source: 2018 Awka Diocesan CCRN Pentecost Programme, Day 5 Message)