4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

(Matthew 10:24)

In a world where people are more interested in being politically and economically correct, we definitely need many more fearless messengers of the Gospel.

More often than not, some messengers of the Gospel, in an effort not to hurt the feelings of those in power, or in order to avoid been criticized, prefer to remain mute, and say nothing even when situations demand their prophetic voices. There is need for all to realize that, God alone deserves to be feared and as such, we must never be afraid to stand for God in every situation and on all occasions.

Fellow Pilgrims, Jesus tells us in the Gospel passage above that, the only way to succeed as a disciple of His, is to follow after His footsteps.

As disciples of the Lord, we do not have the luxury of picking and choosing what kind of assignments would be given to us, and on our own terms too. Also, we need to realize that, it is not enough to desire to perform the kind of miracles which Jesus performed, we must also be ready to face the kind of oppositions He also faced.

Beloved in Christ, when faced with oppositions and criticisms from those whose only mission is to distract and discredit our efforts, we must always remember that, Christ our leader, was the first to suffer such. We must be ready and prepared therefore, to face even more and worse oppositions from friends, family, colleagues and even from those in authority in high places.


But no matter what happens, we must never allow the fear of mortal men and women, push us to deny God and then abandon the truth of the Gospel.

Lord Jesus, give us the courage to serve You. Amen!

