
8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

bread-and-cup-2Unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given (Isaiah 9:6). He was born as a child in human form and yet given as a son in his full divinity – man and yet God. He came into the world to accomplish the desire of the father.  A desire that was first announced in the beginning when he said ‘let us make man in our own image and after our likeness’ (Genesis 1:26). A desire jeopardized by the disobedience of the first man. He comes as the perfect man and perfect God, to restore man’s fellowship with God. In him was the ‘fellowship’ being man and God; the perfect union. He came to reconcile men to God (Colossians 1:20, Ephesians 2:16). This is what we commemorate at Christmas. As we celebrate this year, it is only right for all humanity to pay attention to Christ and his work of salvation and reconciliation. We have to look at our lives and see how reconciled we are with God, with a view to making amends where necessary. We are called to live as Christ did; showing love and understanding to one another, knowing that we all are in the same race to eternity. It is time to share – joy, peace and laughter! It is time to give – gifts, resources! It is time to reconcile – friends, relatives, colleagues!

We encourage you to make the most of this season as it comes once in a year and remember, Christ is the reason for the season.

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