4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Text: 1Kgs 17v1
In the christendom today, there are many christians that are sleeping because they don’t know the power and authority that God has bestowed on them. This is the reason why so many run around seeking men of God here and there. The time of ignorance is gone and God expects us to be wise and radical now (Act 17:30). This is especially important at a time like this when the world is going through difficult times. The first port of call is getting a clear understanding of our mission as children of God. Gid created us for a purpose; He made us to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him forever in heaven (CCC).

Our first mission as christians is to know God.

“Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits” (Dan 11:32). David knew his God and this gave him the confidence to challenge Goliath. Same was the case of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who even at the threat of being thrown into the burning furace remained unperturbed. Elijah also knew the power of his God so much so that he declared that there will be no rain for a period of 3 years and 6 months and it happened just as he said (James 5:17-18)

The problem with most christians is that they wallow in ignorance; they lack the knowledge of their God.

Our second mission is to love God.


We are to love God with everything at our disposal (Mark 12:30-31). Being an active church goer does not mean you love God. We can show that we truly love God by loving our neighbours (John 13:34-35).

Our third mission is to serve God. We must serve God in spirit and in truth (cf. John 4:23-24).

The fourth mission is to be with Him in heaven.

This is a reward for having known, loved, and served God. Our earnest yearning should be to spend our eternity with God. In all of our dealings, we must be conscious of the fact that we are only temporary occupants in this world (Hebrews 13:14).


Elijah means Yaweh is our God. Or The Lord is our God

Who are the Elijahs of God?

Elijahs of God are the chosen instruments of God who are determined and disposed to dethrone the kingdom of darkness and enthrone the kingdom of God.

These were the kind of men that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were. They had no regard for the authority of men (Daniel 3:16-18). In the same way, we too must be ready to stand for God irrespective of the circumstances around us. God will always be with us, even when we pass through the fires of life (Isaiah 43:1-5).

The Elijahs of God are vessels of honour packaged for special use (2 Tim 2:18-21). The Elijah of God are also ambassadors, representatives of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). The Elijahs of God are men that listen to God’s instructions and prophesies (Psalm 32:8).


Most of the mistakes we make as christians can be traced back to the fact that we do not pay attention to God’s instructions to us. God never does anything without revealing it to His children (Amos 3:7). We need to be alert in the Spirit. Most of us, unfortunately, are sleeping christians.

The Elijahs of God are men of great faith. “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).

The Secrets of Elijah:

1. One of the secrets of Elijah was that he was a man of faith. He manifested this faith in his encounter with the prophets of Baal.

2. Elijah was obedient to the word of God (1 kings 18:1-2). Do we obey the word of God?

3. Elijah lived a sacrificial life. He gave God everything; he gave God himself as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).

4. He depended totally on God. He never at any point put his trust on any man because he understood the implication of trusting in man. “Woe betide anyone who put his trust on any man” (Jeremiah 17:5-7). It was on account of Elijah’s total dependence that God used him mightily.

Attributes of Elijas:

1. They are game changers. Anywhere they find themselves, their presence are felt.

2. They are risk takers. They are ready to sacrifice anything to ensure that the kingdom of God reigns in the heart of men.

3. They have faith. Running around from one place to another is a sign of faithlessness. 1 Peter 5:7. Troubles in this world is inevitable, but we must trust in Christ who has already overcome the world (John 16:33). Such trust and reliance on God can only be born out of faith.

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A man of faith like Job went through so much tribulations in life, but in it all, he trusted totally in God knownig that his redeemer liveth (Job 19:25).

Condition to Become Elijahs of God:

1. Say no to any appearance of sin. ( Gal. 5:19-21).

2. Daily meditation of the word of God and practising what is written therin (Joshua 1:8). It is by keeping the word of God that we can keep our ways pure (Psalm 119:9; James 1:22).

3. We must strive for righteousness and holiness.

Most of us are confortable with what is happening in the world, in our country today. But as a child of God, we are the Elijas of God that must change the state of things. We must wake up from our sleep and take up our mantle as Elijahs and begin to change the conditions around us in prayer.