You Need Spiritual Gifts (Seminar 6: Day 4)

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Read: 1 Cor 12:1-11

Brethren, God loves us so much that He has bestowed on us His own spiritual gifts. He has revealed to us what He has prepared for them that loved Him.

To equip us for His work, to build us up and to edify the church, He gave us many spiritual gifts. He wants us to be glorious in this world, to be truly ‘a people set apart.’

It’s the Holy Spirit: His spiritual gifts and the manifestation of the Spirit, that separates Christians from the world and makes us true kingdom ambassadors.

Have you quenched the Spirit? Is Holy Spirit still manifesting in you? Which one or more of these gifts are in you – Love, Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, divers of tongue, interpretation of tongues, interpretation of tongues and discernment of the spirits? Why aren’t you yearning for more?

Don’t reject God’s spiritual gifts. Open your heart for them. You need it more than you think. If not, God won’t have sent them. “But earnestly desire the best gifts,” Saint Paul said.

Say This Prayer

Holy Spirit, manifest your gifts in my life in abundance. Let me participate actively in the work of God. Let me do the will of God in this present world. Bestow your gifts on me. Amen.

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