4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Text: (2 Cor 5:17-20)


When a man comes to Jesus, his garment of sin is taken away and he is clothed with a garment of righteousness which gives him access to God’s inner chamber. For you to be enlisted as one of the ambassadors of Christ, you must have, first, been washed in the blood of Christ.

Who is an ambassador?

An ambassadors is someone special who has been certified by a country to represent his country in another country.

Roles of an ambassador:

1. Maintains diplomatic relationship

2. Represents the president

3. Helps in maintaining peace between his country and the country where he has been sent.

To be Christs ambassador means that you are an important personality who has be chosen to represent Christ in a foreign land, in this case the earth.

This follows that;

1. You are very special before God.

2. You have been chosen and appointed to represent Christ on the earth. We must understand that not everybody will have the privilege to be an ambassador. This choice over your life implies that some other persons who were also qualified for this position were considered, but you were chosen. It was only a choice made over you (John 15:1).

3. Since you were selected from among other people that were qualified, it is therefore a privilege to be chosen.

4. You are a foreigner on earth. This is not your home, rather a citizen of heaven.

5. A responsibility is hanging on your neck. To be an ambassador is a call for responsibility. Your responsibilities include:
a. Representing God.
b. Standing for what God stands for. God stands for righteousness and holiness. Thus, we must stand for righteousness and holiness wjereever we find ourselves
b. Living for God (Gal 2:20).


Practical things I need to do as Christ’s ambassador

1. Showing love and care (Jhn 13:35, Mrk 12:31-33). Love shows concern and takes other people’s problem personally. Sometimes what it takes to show love doesn’t cost much. Love begets love.

2. Not holding anything against any man. You must forgive one another. You must develop the ability to forgive no matter the level of hurt. This was exemplified by Jesus himself on the cross (Lk 23:34). You must follow peace with all men.

3. Engaging in the ministry of reconciling men to God (Cor 5:17-18). We must take advantage of every opportunity to reconcile men to God. Everywhere we find ourselves should be to us a pulpit from where we must call men to Christ.

4. Maintaining righteousness and holiness in all of your dealings. If you must be Christ’s ambassador as a business man or a craftsman, you must be known for truth, even at your loss.

5. You must have the right attitude and a good working relationship with those around you.

Requirements to effectively act as Christ’s ambassodor

1. You must have a good knowledge of God. This can be done by
a. not neglecting the gathering of God’s people
b. Studying the scriptures and reading spiritual books (Dan. 5:9)
c. Listening to messages

2. Active prayer life. There has to be an active communication channel between us and God whom we are representing (Lev 6).

3. Give up every known sin.

4. You must be ready to obey God at all cost


Gains of being an active ambassador of Christ*

God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. This reward is both….