4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Text: Act: 16 v16-26
It is in the nature of man that when he is praised, he is often times moved to do exceedingly beyond what he proposed to do. Since man was created in the image and likeness of God, it follows that praise also moves God greatly.

St. Paul was imprisoned on account of his propagation of the kingdom. In that difficult situation he found reason to praise God and by so doing brought down the power of God (Acts 16: 25-26). More often than not we too, like St. Paul, have found ourselves in impossible situations that were supposed to provoke in us the power of praise. However, for our want of an understanding of the power of praise and the right situation to apply it, we hastily give in to unnecessary complaints.

To commend, to applaud, to magnify, to glorify, to adore and to thank God. “God inhabits the praises of His people” (Ps 26:3). Sometimes all we need to bring down the presence of God in our situation is to create an atmosphere of praise where He will inhabit. And once that is achieved, every of our problems will melt away in His presence. It is this understanding that prompted Paul to admonish, “Do not worry about anything” (Phil 4:6).

When we praise God the earth will yield increase (Psalm 67:5-6). We struggle with lack and want when we do not understand the power of praise.

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Through praises our salvation is complete. Salvation come through praising God

It is easier for us to look back and remember the difficulties we’ve been through, but not the great things God has done for us in times past. In doing this, we miss out of God’s manifestation. When we approach God with a heart full of gratitude, acknowledging Him for who He is and all He has done, irrespective of our present circumstances, we are actually praising Him. And when God is praised He does exceedingly more than we ask.