4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


Focus: Exploring the ways to manifest and keep showcasing the glory of God
Text: 2 Cor 3:18I


Today’s message tends to help us understand our stand, if we are on a progressive path. Moving from one degree of glory to another.

With what attributes can one describe the glory, What really is the glory?

The devil continues to offer men a fading brightness in exchange for their soul (Mtt. 4:8). A key attribute of the glory that the devil offers is that, though shinning, it fades away. But the glory of God is eternal.

Glory may be decribed with the following attributes:
1. Power and authority
2. Splendor, beauty and attraction
3. Possession and wealth
4. Fame and popularity
5. Influence and control
6. Ability and resourcefulness
7. Mentoring and modelling

Glory is from a latin root word “Gloria”; refering to fame, renown – used to describe the manifestation of God’s presence.

The glory of God refers to what He is, all of His attributes, greatness. This follows that glory refers to God’s greatness, majesty and all that is in him (Exodus 33:18-23).

Glory is not just about brightness, its the entirety of God’s presence.

Partaking in God’s glory
In the old, the people of God were covered by God’s glory, but it was not an inward manifestation. Through Christ’s incarnation, God put His glory in man (Jhn 1:14). Christ made us His co-heirs (Rom 8:17). We are made first borns and sharers of His glory (Heb 12:22-24).


To achieve this, he hid us in himself (Col 3:3).

As many as are born again becomes partakers of God’s glory. This differentiates us from the people of the old who do not carry the glory within.

Manifesting His glory
(2 Cor 3:18)
This presupposes that we already carry the glory of God within us.

1. Transformation by the word (Rom 12:2).
Nothing obstructs the flow of the glory of God as much as the lack of the knowledge of God. That’s why the bible says that those that lack the knowledge of God perish.

The word of God brings sanctification. For you to move from one level of Glory to another, you must allow the word of God to transform you.

2. Submerged in his ministry and mission (1 Peter 4:10).
God does not waste anointing. Before He increases your anointing, you must show that you are ready to work assidiously with the anointing He has given you. One of the ways to show God that you are ready to increase from one degree of glory to another is to work with that which he has given you.

3. Self-evaluation (analysis of Spiritual progress) (Mtt. 16:13-16).
Even Jesus, at some point in His ministry saw the need for self evaluation.

4. Living in Holiness (1 Cor 6:18-20)
One reason why some of us do not grow from one degree of glory to another is unholiness. The glory of God refers to the fulness of God’s presence, hence there is no connection between God and an unholy temple. And our body is the temple of the holy spirit.


5. Demonstration of power (Act 3:6-7)
One of the ways by which God increases your glory is by using the one he has given you already

6. Take up challenges (and fresh challenges).
If you do not exercise the gifts that God gave you, it cannot grow. What fresh challenges are you taking up?

7. Withstand the time of trial (James 1:12)
The enemy cannot stand and watch you increase from one level of glory to another. He will try you. At such moments of trial you must stand firm, for those that endure to the end He will give the crown of glory.

8. Manifest great faith
Anything not done in faith is sin. Faith is the currency or medium of transaction between Divinity and Humanity. It’s the assurance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Faith attracts God glory.

In the time of Moses, the glory was upon him such that his face shone bright, but that glory faded away. But in our time, God chose to put his glory in us by transformation. It is this glory that makes us gradually assume His image and this image empowers us to hold more glory. The more of God’s glory we have, the more we will have.