3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 2
Text: Phil 2:9-11
The life in the spirit entails living a ife that transcends the physical into a higher realm where one communes with God. It is about living a life that is completely directed by God in accordance with His will for us. This program was designed to open us up to such a life.
The first day of the program introduced us to the reality of our faith, which is the fact that God the Father loves us personally. On account of this love, Jesus saved and set us free. It is against the backdrop of this indisputable love, salvation and freedom that Jesus wrought for us that today’s topic seeks to establish the Lordship of Jesus over our lives.
Lords in ordinary sense are people in authority and exercise this authority at different levels, as seen with Judges, Bishops, etc.
Any time we deny the lordship of Jesus in our lives, we inadvertently give in to the lordship of other lords. To submit to the lordship of Jesus is to receive eternal life (John 3:36).
Even though Jesus saved and set us free, we still have a duty to fill the vacuum created by the expulsion of other lords and powers that had dominion over our lives. This we must do by accepting the lordship of Jesus. When we make Jesus the Lord of our lives, He takes total dominion of our lives, leaving no room for any demonic possession or repossession (Matthew 12:43-45).
It is important to emphasize the fact that Jesus is Lord simply because He is the Lord. We do not make Him Lord; He is God all by himself. We cannot confer lordship on Him, rather, we can only acknowledge His lordship.
In the same vein, He is not Lord because of the miracles He performs, rather, He is Lord because that is who He is. He is God! Through Him all things in heaven and on earth were created (Col. 1:15-16). It was on account of this that the apostle Peter acknowledged the lordship of Jesus (Act 10:36). Even Jesus himself testified to this truth (John 13:13-14).
This seminar, therefore, calls us to allow the lordship of Jesus to prevail in our lives. Jesus knows us through and through, because it was through Him and for Him that we were created.
How Do We Allow the Lordship of Jesus in our Lives?
The first step is the realization that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. To those who accept His lordship in their lives, He reveals himself to them. As the good shephard, He is ever willing to provide us with everything we need (John 10:11-16). It is in Him we live and move and have our being.
By the following steps, we make room to the lordship of Jesus in our lives;
1. Appreciate the love of God in our lives (John 3:16).
2. Renounce every other lords in our lives. For some of us, our businesses, our careers, and other worldly cares have occupied our lives constituting themselves lords over our lives. These lords must be renounced to give room to the lordship of Jesus in our lives (Gal. 5:1).
3. Hand your life over to the master. Consult Him often.
4. Always worship Him. Let your knee be the first to bow to him.
We have realized that Jesus is lord over our lives. If we follow Him, He will be the good shephard over our lives. (John 1:1-14; Act 17:28-30).
As we realize that Jesus is the Lord over our lives, and surrender to Him, He will release unto us the Holy Spirit, who will empower us to live victoriously in life.
Obinna Onwuka Jul 14, 2022 at 9:01 pm
Thanks for this insightful message.
ReplyJude Aug 20, 2022 at 11:59 am
Great and soul imparting site. Thanks for your good works