Jesus is the Lord of your Life – Day 4

9 years ago Service Team 0
Spread the Good News

Study Verse: Acts 10:34-43

In today’s passage I am called to take a step further in my surrendering to his Lordship; I am called to proclaim his Lordship to men so that others will submit to the same Lordship. I am called to live out the beauty of his live as one called to be his follower; one who has the Life of Christ. By virtue of living this life, men will be attracted and for those whose attraction is strong enough, they will come under his Lordship either on their own or when I add a little encouragement. I am called to proclaim this Live and call others to it; testifying that Jesus is the Lord over all. I must put aside my old ways and make the change, let his new way rule in my Life.

Help me Oh Lord to live in accordance with you ways and teach others to do the same.

READ MORE ARTICLES  Jesus is the Lord of your Life – Day 6