Standing As A True Witness (Bible Study).

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

‘Go and make the disciples of all nation,’ was the command Jesus gave His disciples. It is part of what is called ‘Great Commission.’ Thereafter, the disciples being empowered by the Holy Spirit, went everywhere testifying that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

This bible study,  therefore  is aimed at furthering this course among the believers as it brings out vital issues concerning witnessing for Christ.


What do you understand by ‘Witnessing for Christ’? (Bible Study verse: Mark 16:15-20; Acts 2:14-18; Luke 10:1-2) 

1. To testify of the faith you have in Christ.

2. Bringing the Christ message of love, salvation and reconciliation to people.

3. Winning souls through the gospel.

4. Sharing the message of the gospel.


Who can witness? (Bible Study verse: Acts 8:1-4; Acts 1:8, Philippians 4:9, John 14:12)

Every Christian is called to testify of the faith he or she has in Jesus Christ.


What characterizes the life of a true witness? (Bible study verse: Acts 4:12-13; 1 Timothy 3:2-7;  Acts 13:1-4; Galatians 5:22-23) 

1. Firm believe in Jesus Christ.

2. Good understanding (of your calling).

3. Always meditating in word of God.

4. Full of Holy Spirit.

5. Passion for souls.

6. Selflessness / Endurance / Prayerful.

7. Always prepared for God’s work.

8. Full obedience / Boldness.


In what ways can I witness to people?  (Bible Study verse: 2 Timothy 4:1-5; Mark 12:30-31; Philippians 4:15-16; 1 Cor. 12:7-11)

1. Preaching the good news.

2. Using spiritual gifts.

3. Supporting missionary works.

READ MORE ARTICLES  The Riches of Faith in Christ

4. Rebuking sinners/Speaking against sin and immorality.

5. Sharing testimonies.

6. Outreach / Sharing gospel tracts.

7.  Be a friend and a good listener.

8. Living a consistent Christian life.

9. Showing your faith in your works.


Is ‘witnessing’ of any benefit? (Bible Study verse: Romans 1:16-17; Philemon 1:6; Daniel 12:3; Luke 15:7; Revelation 22:12)

1. It keeps the gospel message alive in us.

2. It deepens our understanding of the scriptures.

3. God’s blessing & Eternal reward.

4. It enhances our love for God and neighbours.

5. More soul are gained into eternal life.



The command to witness is from our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. We have one goal in our Christian journey – to bring more people into the family of Trinitarian God. As this bible study closes, ask His Holy Spirit to empower you in order to carry out your utmost assignment on earth, which is witnessing for Jesus Christ. Amen.