3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Text: 2 Tim 3:1-5

Understanding the time is a call to be sensitive to the times we are in. The time in this context makes reference to the end time. And the text outlined the things that characterise this end time; when people becomes lovers of themselves, their love for God will grow cold, men will hold the outward signs of religion but deny the power thereof etc.

An understanding of the times therefore implies that when we see these things, we discern them as a wake up call to return to God in truth and spirit.

It was this need to understand the times that made the disciples ask Jesus for signs that will help them know when the time has come (Mtthew 24:3).

Jesus took time to explain these signs to his disciples, noting the following (Mtt 24:4, 9-10).

1. Affliction:
As a Christian, you will be delivered up for affliction because of your faith. Such times are challenging and painful. However, if you understand the time you will be inclined to persevere in faith and prayer.

2. Death:
When the disciples were delivered to be killed on account of their faith, they did not despair. Rather, they rejoiced in their death because they understood the time.

3. Hatred:
Living the life of light in Christ will cause men to hate you. This may not be because of anything personal, but on account of your light that disrupts their darkness. As usual, they will fight to suppress and discourage you to give up your faith. However, if you understand the time, you will see the hatred as a sign to stir up yourself in the spirit and prevail in the place of prayer that you may not faint.

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4. Offense:
Many shall be offended because you carry Christ.
There are times when we are confronted with all manner of malevolence from people around us for no just cause other than the fact that we carry in us the life of Christ. Sometimes our first instinct is to exonerate ourselves by any means possible. On the contrary, if we understand the times, we will realize that we owe no man any explanation, rather it will be unto us a call to tarry in the place of prayer for the end time is near.

5. Betrayal:
Let it not come to us as a surprise when we are betrayed by people we trust. This was what Jesus warned us about when he said that a man’s enemy will be members of his household. These are signs of the perilous times we are in.

When such times come, we should not waste time bemoaning our lot, but turn to God in whom alone we can put our trust.

What to do in the face of these perilious times

The Bible instructs that when these signs of end time begin to be made manifest, we must be very careful. We must be wise (Eph 5:15-17). It was in preparation for this perilous time that Jesus also warned His disciples to be wise as the serpent but humble as a dove. This wisdom also calls us not to be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit.

In this perilous times, we must stir up our spirit man for prayer and be filled with the Holy Spirit. The call to be filled with the Holy Spirit is instructive because it is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that enables us to prevail at a time like this.