Walk With the Lord

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

Life is hard when the presence and power of God elude you.

If you want to make impact and do wonders on this earth, then take your relationship with God serious – Walk with God

Spend time with Him. Know what He desires. Do what He says. Praise Him. Worship Him.

Cut out from God, you can do NOTHING! God longs to lavish His glory on you to enable you turn many souls from darkness to light!

Acts 11:21 says “the Lord’s hand was with them (the apostles), and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord”

What a testimony! In this evil and sinful generation, God looks for people who will be after His business – men He will walk and work with Him.

Return fully to God. Walk with God from today. You’ll see His glory. Amen.

READ MORE ARTICLES  God Has No Favourites (Seminar 3: Day 4)