Why Do Trials Come?

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

Often people ask some questions that are difficult to answer: why should my child die? Why should I be dismissed from my work with no just cause? Why has this sickness befallen me and refusing to heal? Why is my case becoming worse? Why me? These are issues that burden the hearts and tend to weigh it down.

The truth is that trial comes in the part of every living soul, and is more intense when one is a religious person. Why do trials come then?

1. Trials Come Because We Are In the World.
We are not in heaven yet, but in the world. And you remember the words of Jesus: “In the world you will experience persecution, but in me you will have peace. In the world you will have tribulations, but cheer up, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). So as Christ overcame the world, we also will encounter similar trial and overcome them.

2. Because We Are Christians:
Saint Paul rightly pointed out that all who live godly in Christ will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Trials are part of Christian persecution and will face every Christian.

3. To Prove Our Faith, Perseverance and Patience.
The moments of trials are painful, shameful and demeaning. One’s ability to endure and persevere through them all, to some extent, reveals his or her faith, tenacity and strong believe that though ‘weeping may last for the night, shout of joy comes in the morning’ (Psalms 30:5).

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4. Trials develops godly character.
It’s often true that people seek God more when they are in want, being persecuted, in suffering or in distress. During such moments, a soul comes close to God, leaning on him and asking for His favour.

When trials come then, we should not be terrified or lose hope entirely; rather we should keep firm our faith in God even as we search for solutions to the challenges the trials bring.

Thank you.