Psalm 23: The Beauty Of God’s Presence In One’s Life.

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

When there is presence of God anywhere, you don’t need to ask, because it cannot be hidden. It radiates dispelling darkness while bringing comfort, glory and blessings.

The word ‘Beauty’ means the quality of been pleasing, lovely, attractive, magnificent or glorious. God is glorious and full of splendour. Nothing can be compared with His presence. It should be yearning of every soul.

David, in Psalm 23, testified of the awesomeness of the Lord’s presence in his life. He started this by saying, ‘the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.’ This shows that with God being with you, you are securely protected and your needs will surely be met.

In Verse 2, David started disclosing what the Lord does for him: He made him to lie down in green pasture. God is wonderful. He knows that we cannot live satisfactorily without adequate provision of our basic needs. So He gives us food. Indeed, He has provided for each of His people a lucrative source of income. He left no one without skills. His provisions are like ‘green pasture’ not ‘dry ones.’

‘He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul,’ said David. You cannot be comfortable after eating without drinking water. This is  because the body needs water in all its cells, organs, and tissues in order to regulate its temperature and to sustain other functions in the body.

But notice the Psalmist used ‘Still water’ against ‘rushing water.’ Some people want quick money but the Lord God knows what you perfectly need and leads you to them. A rushing water will overflow you and take you with its waves and speed but God will lead you gently.

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God loves righteousness and He demands the same for all His people. Psalm 92:15 says that our Lord is upright and that there is no unrighteousness with Him. In verse Psalm 23:3, David said that the Lord God led him in the paths of righteousness. Why? Because of His name.

The name of the Lord is holy declared the Psalmist in Psalm 111:9 and Psalm 99:3. Also Blessed Virgin Mary testified of it in Luke 1:49. Because His name is Holy, God wants everything associated with Him to be like Him. For this reason, he hates evil and did drove Satan out of His righteous Kingdom. Therefore, when God’s presence is with you, He makes doing good your delight.

Can evil come when the presence of God is with you? Yes, it may come. But one thing is certain, God will deliver you from it. David said that even when he walked through the valley of shadow of death, he did not fear any evil because the Lord presence was with him, directing and comforting Him. Alleluia.

God’s presence attracts favour, brings anointing and blessings. In fact, your cup will become ‘overflowing cup’? Do you want to enjoy the goodness and mercy that comes from God? Then seek His presence. Do it today!

We will continue next time on how to attract God’s presence to one’s life.
