Should a Christian have a vision?

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 2
Spread the Good News

bread-and-cup-2Yes. With particular reference to Habakkuk 2:2-4 and Matthew 25:14-30, It is very necessary that every believer must have and know his or her personal vision. This is very crucial as it forms the person plans, thoughts and actions.

Vision gives focus, ensuring that ones life is directed toward attainment of a particular cause.

Secondly, vision gives a tireless enthusiasm to the person who has it and moves him or her to perform with boldness . It keeps him or her thinking especially on how to further his purpose.

Vision begets vision. People who conquered a city seem to see in themselves an unquenchable urge to move on and annihilate another territory. This means that attainment of a cause tend to open new doors for another one.

Also following your vision through gives  joy to soul, kills idleness and brings fulfilment in life having in it, an eternal reward.

We pray that everyone, created in image and likeness of God, sits down and inquire about his or her vision and work towards fulfilling it. Shalom.

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