4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

A disciple of Jesus is a follower of Christ. A disciple is one who must, first, be born again. Who what he used to be must die, so that the life of Christ will be resurrected in him.

You are not called to be a singer, preacher, leader, rather, you are called to be a disciple. However, a disciple can sing, preach or lead. Thus, the primary focus of the call must not be missed; “to be a disciple.”

A Disciple is a man of one focus under one master. A disciple is one that has died to the flesh and lives a life of the Spirit (Cf. 1 John 3:5-10; John 1:13). You cannot be a disciple by combining the flesh and obedience to God (Cf. Mtt 6:21-24)

The nature of God is not one that is unstable. An unstable man who lacks the nature of God cannot be a disciple (Cf. Lk 1:7-4). The fruits you bear is a product of the life you carry; the flesh or the Spirit (Cf. Gal 5:19-22).

(John 3:1-7)

“What is born of flesh is flesh, but what is born of the spirit is spirit”. The human nature cannot submit to the law of God. It cannot please God (Rom 8:7-8). This nature is therefore not fit to be a disciple.

Hold on to this Facts:
Even if all the principles of discipleship is applied to a sinner, he can never become a disciple unless he is born again.

Qualities of a good Disciple:

1. He is first a born again, a believer.
2. There must be readiness to yield voluntarily to the Master.
3. He has single focus (Jesus)
4. He is not choosy, he has no other choice than to follow Jesus
5. He loves the Master above everything.
6. He consciously practices self denial.

READ MORE ARTICLES  Faithfulness to the work and trust in God (1corinthians 4:1-2)

Why should I be a disciple of Jesus Christ?

1. It is the desire of God for my life.
2. To conform to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3. To develop close, intimate and deep relationship with the Master.
4. To get tied up to the Master’s use.


When we approach Jesus with our worries, he is able and willing to see us through, but you must be willing to take up his yoke. The price of discipleship may seem high, but whoever pays the price will enjoy the fruit.

Costs for Being a Disciple ( Luke 9:23-26)
The crowd flock after Jesus in their numbers, but most of them follow Jesus simply because of miracles. The truth is that Jesus knows those who are his true desciples and it is to this that He reveals the secret of the kingdom.

1. Deny yourself daily (Eph 4:22): Anyone who wants to be a disciple must first deny himself. Denial of self is not a product of human effort. You cannot deny self by your personal struggle. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit working in you.
2. Take up your cross (Gal 6:14).
3. Follow Christ (Prov. 14:12).

In view of the cost of discipleship, the decision to follow Jesus is not one to be made in a haste. It is a decision that must be prayerfully made by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Willfully taking up the yoke of Jesus, helps you to be focused and aligned with Jesus such that you walk, live and act like Jesus. Thus, becoming like Jesus.

READ MORE ARTICLES  Understanding Evil Yokes: Their Nature, Types & Negative Influences (Ex. 5:1-21)

Living out the life of a disciple does not come by human effort or struggles. It flows naturally from the life you carry. Finally, a disciple loves his master, he is commited to him and is zealous for Him.

_”The summary of the life of a disciple is becoming like Jesus”._